Registration is Now Open!
Career Assistance Network is back for 2025 with a brand-new subscription package! Now, register for ALL job fairs in Central Alberta for one-price!
If your company is looking for staff at any point during the year, register today to meet 1,000+ work searchers face-to-face and expose your company to 30,000+ views through online and social media marketing.
*** Early Bird Registration Deadline is February 5, 2025 ***
If your company, educational institution, or service organization is interested in a booth at this upcoming event we recommend registering as soon as possible as there are only a limited number of spots available. To subscribe, please download the package below and send the completed form to
For more information regarding subscriptions or registering for one event only, please contact us by phone at (403) 341-7811 or by emailing us through the contact page.